Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Campaign for Ensuring Healthy Environment by the students from UAP

Center for Human Rights Studies jointly with Social Awareness Club, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka organized a two days’ workshop on “Human Rights Concept and Role of Youth” at Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific during September 12-13, 2015. At the end of the workshop student participants came up with a action plan named "5 Bin Project" where they have committed to keeping their campus area clean, setting up some dustbins in the area and also distributing small beans among the street side shops near their campus.
Yesterday (10.11.2015), those students from the university had made their promise in reality.The Social Awareness Club facilitated a "Clean Up Campaign" as presented in the Action Plan in September. Students along with their teachers from the Department of Law and Human Rights went to the street infront of their Campus at Green Road, Farmgate in Dhaka. CHRS staffs also joined with the students in the campaign.
Teachers from the Department of Law and Human RIghs, UAP has suggested the students to continue this campaign in future to make an healthy environment atleast the campus area.
It was a great effort by those enthusiastic and motivated young students from University of Asia Pacific. CHRS would like to congratulate the participants of that workshop on "Concept of Human Rights and Role of Youth" for implementing the action plan.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

5th Annual Human Rights Study Session at Sonargaon, Narayanganj

One of the moment during the training session
The annual human rights study session (AHRSS) is an initiative by Center for Human Rights Studies (CHRS) to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals and organizations to contribute towards social change and developing a culture of human rights in Bangladesh. This AHRSS provide an opportunity for making bridge among different levels of the society and create essentials to sustainable development outcomes, and shared knowledge and skills.
The Fifth Annual Human Rights Study Session held from October 03- October 12, 2015. This study session was organized in collaboration with Department of International Relations- University of Dhaka. Eighteen participants were attended this study session. Participants included minority rights activist, lawyers, activists working in civil society organizations, students from different national and private universities, community leaders, youth leaders and activists and human rights activists.
Setting ground rules and expectations
The course included: Reviewing the concept of human dignity, gender and democracy; Reviewing the fundamental principles of human rights, their scope and content; Understanding the notion of empowerment and reviewing actions for change in Bangladesh; Strategies for promoting and protecting rights and reflection on human rights in practice; Volunteerism and rights movement in Bangladesh (added in 5th AHRSS); Protection mechanisms for human rights defenders (added in 5th AHRSS); Human rights education programs and best practices in Bangladesh. At the end of each study sessions, participants come up with their action plans.
A moment during the study session
Prominent human rights activists of Bangladesh Dr. Hameeda Hossain, Khushi Kabi from Nijera Kori, Jahedul Alam Hitto from Ain O Shalish Kendra, Professor Dr. Delwar Hossain from University of Dhaka, Aamanur Rahman from ActionAid Bangladesh, Barrister Jyotirmoy Barua, Barrister Tasnim Hossain Shoan, Sayeed Ahmad from Frontline Defenders  have contributed to the 5th AHRSS as resource persons. Besides Zahirul Islam, Human Rights Officer of United Nations and also Chairperson of CHRS was the main facilitator of this study session.
Sayeed Ahmad from Frontline Defenders facilitating a session

Group discussion

During a session

Ice breaking and participants introduction

Aamanur Rahman from ActionAid facilitating a session

Group work presentation

Barrister Tanim Hossain Shaon (Left) and Barrister Jyotirmoy Barua (Right) sharing experiences on SAL

Khushi Kabir frm Nijera Kori facilitating a session

Group Photo of the participants of 5th Annual Human Rights Study Session

Workshop on “Human Rights Concept and Role of Youth” at UAP, Dhaka

Group Activity
During a session
CHRS and Social Awareness Club, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka jointly organized a two days’ workshop on “Human Rights Concept and Role of Youth” at Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific from September 12-13, 2015. Students of different semesters and year from Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific participated and learned about human rights. This workshop included: Understanding Human Rights; Evolution of Human Rights Notion; Bill of Rights and International Human Rights Mechanisms; Human Rights Obligations and Active Citizenship. At the end of the workshop participants come up with four action plans focusing on “Preventing Human Trafficking”, “Ensuring Child Education”, “Sustainable Clean-up campaign” and “Fundraising Project”. Currently the volunteer groups are working on their certain projects.
Project Presentation

Group Photo